yes there is,if you read the credits in world at war and call of duty black ops.You'll find his name
Viktor Krum was a student at Durmstrang.
Viktor Drechsel was born in 1960.
Viktor Kubin was born on 1987-02-11.
Viktor Perdula was born on September 29, 1978, in Vienna, Austria.
Charles Viktor Knak was born in December 1995.
There was probably a Viktor Reznov in the Red Army, but Viktor Reznov of the Call of Duty series is a fictional character. He only exists in a videogame.
No, but many of the call of duty games made by treyarch are based on real events and real people.
viktor reznov
Gary oldman
yes so was alex mason they changed there names to cover up there identiy and black ops is real and there was a opertiaon 40 when the bay of pigs was happening Hudson was preddient kenndy bodygard when he got assiancenated reznov was murdered in the war
a russian leather coat
viktor reznov Feodor Dostoyevsky Leo Tolstoy
Actually if you look at the movie salt it will show lee Harvey oswald his spy name was mason reference to the game call of duty black ops alex mason also it will say viktor reznov it wont say viktor just reznov referring to the game again reznov was too thanks for letting me comment take this to mind
a world war 2 style m31 type padded russian jacket!
Victor Reznov is not real. in the videogame, he was a man who died at Vorkura. after escaping prison, he was dead. he was captured by the enemy after sacrificing himself for you. all through the game, you see him. he is a hallucination after the prison escape.
He is real in Vorkuta, However, The game was made so that you could decide if Reznov was real or not.
Put him in Vorkuta a prison in russia but all of them escaped only Sergei died others survived and Viktor Reznov survived WaW , BO1 and BO2 he may be a charachter in CoD Ghosts email me at i can answer any questions about black ops 1 black ops 2 and world at war i know all secrets glitches hacks etc...