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You should find this code included with any Action Replay (AR) pak. You simply have to check it off the cheat list to use it. Hope this helps!

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Q: Walk through walls cheat in Pokemon pearl?
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How do you enable the walk through walls cheat in Pokemon pearl?

By tapping it once.

How do you get walk through walls with out action replay in Pokemon pearl?

You cant! its a cheat

Do you have to walk through walls to get to new moon island in Pokemon pearl?

you do not have to walk through walls just get the member card cheat code on u tube

What is the cheat for walking through walls in Pokemon pearl?

you need an R4 card, then you can just select that cheat, I don't thin it is possible if you bought the game.

How do you get the walk through walls cheat in pearl?

You can't

What is the cheat for walking through walls in pearl?

action replay

How do you use walkthrough walls cheat for Pokemon pearl?

You have to get an action replay, or hack the game itself. To use it, you just walk through a wall.

How do you do the Pokemon wall cheat on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

In general this is going to be totally dependent on the location your son is at. However, if he checks with his school league they'll be able to direct him to any ongoing camps.

Walk through walls cheat code for Pokemon HeartGold?

do what is the walkthrough walls action replay code for Pokemon heartgold.

What do you press to activate the run through walls cheat code for pearl?


What is a cheat to walk through walls on Pokemon platinum?

the cheat is walk anywhere or run anywhere

How do you get the walk through walls cheat in Pokemon diamondpearl?

get a action replay