Natasha, Natalie, and Nina are some of the English girl names starting with "N"....I'm sure there are more.
Vicki and Virginia are girl names. Vera, Veronica and Vivian are girl names.
Ask the doctor to see if the baby is going to be a girl
I don't know but i can't get my baby to take any toys!
You can find a list of unique baby names in many web resources. is a great one that sensible names we know and turns them unique.
Visit for a complete collection of all Indian girl names. For Indian girl names starting with 'L'
yes there is a site with over 30,000 names you can look at i will link you to it right here it has names from every country you could think of it is very helpful especially if you are looking for a unique name.
There are numerous sites on the internet to help you chose an unique name for your baby girl. or will have lists.
There are many different girl names that you can name your child. Casi, Eve, Eva and there are many other names that you can think of to give your child a middle name.
The top five boy baby names for 2012 are Liam, Ethan, Noah, Mason, and Jacob. The top five baby girl names for 2012 are Emma, Olivia, Sophia, Ava, and Isabella.
There are many online shops that provide you baby girl names. is one of online shop that provides you free baby girl names with many choose of baby girl names. You can try to visit
To find the most unique 2013 baby names for any given area in the world you should look no further than the nearest book store. There you find more books on baby names than you could ever possibly read.
First, each of you should make a list of names you really like. If none of these are agreeg upon, then visit web sites for baby names and try it again.
Some Hindu girl names starting with 'Re' are:RenukaReshmaRevathiRekha
If you are getting ready to have a little girl, you might be at a loss as to what you are going to name her. There are so many name options out there for you to choose from as a parent, but you probably want to make sure that you choose the best out of all of the beautiful baby girl names out there. This will obviously take a lot of thinking, but you can surely find a name that both you and your little one will be proud of and that is a little bit different from the rest. Starting with a baby name book or list is always a good way to begin looking for beautiful baby girl names. You can find books that have all of the most popular names in them, or you can look for one that offers more unique and original yet still beautiful baby girl names. Along with finding these baby name books in local bookstores and ordering them online, you can also take a look at the many free beautiful baby girl name lists that are posted all over the Internet; by using one of these resources, you can come up with a gorgeous name for your soon to be born baby girl. You can also try looking at the names of the characters in all of your favorite books, the names of your most favorite celebrities and their children and other names that are used in the media. As you hear names that you like at least a little bit, consider jotting them down. Then, you can think on the names, change the spelling of them or incorporate them somehow into a beautiful name for your little baby girl. Some celebrities and book characters have really unique and beautiful names, so this can be a great place to start, and many of these names are also fairly original and aren't heard on a regular basis. Lastly, try talking to the people in your life who you love about potential names. You might be surprised by who will have some really good ideas or who can help you choose between a few different beautiful baby girl names.
Annie, Tootie, Martha, and other names