2x Water
2x Grass
2x Ground
2x Bug
2x Steel
4x Fight
1/2 Normal
1/2 Fire
1/2 Poison
1/2 Flying
1/2 Ghost
1/2 Dark
None Psychic
Water, Grass, Steel, Ground, Fight, and Bug.
dark type Pokemon are said to be created after team rocket. some dark types are umbreon and tyranitar
In emerald and ruby, sapphire is Blaziken. D and P is Giratina FireRed and LeafGreen is Tyranitar
You can't, you either have to trade one from FireRed or LeafGreen, or trade the purified Tyranitar from Pokemon Colusseum and breed it.
Any Ice type move, Any Dragon Type move.
only way is to trade from another Pokemon game
You find larvitar in seavault cannyon. and then you evolve him into pupitar and tyranitar :) check serebii.net if you're wondering.
no no no might be
Water, Grass, Steel, Ground, Fight, and Bug.
dark type Pokemon are said to be created after team rocket. some dark types are umbreon and tyranitar
In emerald and ruby, sapphire is Blaziken. D and P is Giratina FireRed and LeafGreen is Tyranitar
You can't, you either have to trade one from FireRed or LeafGreen, or trade the purified Tyranitar from Pokemon Colusseum and breed it.
That is impossible to say for each Pokemon has a different nature. Dragon types are recommended, they only have one weakness. If you want the ultimate Pokemon, take a dratini with a nature that will help it;s stats, lvl it up and give it all the items you can buy. ( Carbos, Zinc, etc )
Catch a lavitar at island 5 and train it into a pupitar and eventually in the Pokemon league it should evolve into a tyranitar.
they dont persistently attack they use moves to help defense
Any Ice type move, Any Dragon Type move.
yes first catch larvitar in the sevault canyon on seven island then evolve into pupitar level thirty then tyranitar level 55