You can't, you either have to trade one from FireRed or LeafGreen, or trade the purified Tyranitar from Pokemon Colusseum and breed it.
You can catch Larvitar at the Rock PokeSpot on Pokemon XD for the GameCube,You can trade it onto Sapphire after you've beated XD001 (Shadow Lugia)
Larvitar can be found in Mt.Silver.
No you cannot catch Larvitar in Pokémon Emerald.
45, same as Larvitar's catch rate.
You can catch Larvitar at the Rock PokeSpot on Pokemon XD for the GameCube,You can trade it onto Sapphire after you've beated XD001 (Shadow Lugia)
Larvitar can be found in Mt.Silver.
you can catch a larvitar on route 206 if dawns sister says you can.
to find larvitar go to the Seavault Canyon
No you cannot catch Larvitar in Pokémon Emerald.
It differs depending on what game you have. If you have sapphire ruby emerald go to mount moon like in heart gold. You will find him at lvl 20
you need the sapphire stone you get on the islands in fire red
u cant catch it in the wild you have to catch a larvitar level it up to level 55. You can catch a larvitar after u beat the elite 4.
45, same as Larvitar's catch rate.
Not naturally, no.
In order to get Larvitar in Pokémon HeartGold, you have to find it and catch it in Mt. Silver or in the Safari Zone.