In vp they depend on the difficulty level of vp they say it ranges from 35-50 cogs in vp. And in factory there are total of of 35 cogs.
To earn merits you must have your sellbot suit and defeat sellbot cogs in battles. Easiest way to earn merits is factory. Try to do factories with invasion because it will give 776 merits and normally is 388 merits. Getting double merits is a good way to get ready for vp faster plus when yoy got to do 5500 merits which is 7 long invasion factories. Hope this helps :) By: Toontown Answer Expert
when you have enough merits and you have a promotion, go fight the vp and your sellbot cog suit will level up. if you play toontown and you see a toon named "Looney Man", go ahead and become friends with me but ONLY toons that has a payed membership.
You can find the VP in Sellbot HQ.First, go to daisy gardens. Then, find the tunnel near the pond where you can fish that is in the playground (aka Oak Street). Now go until you see a huge grey building (not the building with cogs) that you battle the huge one is Sellbot.OK, go in and you will see a bunch of doors at the very end on a HUGE building. You must have all cog pieces to go in. Every time you do a factory you get a piece, you will need 10 pieces.After you get the pieces for your suit, you will see a new bar, Merits you get about 2 per cog (I'm only a cold caller so I'm not sure if it can be more) factories are the best way to get Merits. When it says "Ready for promotion" go in the doors of the giant building in the main HQ area boarding groups here are larger and have 8 toons you can also get a new level or cog type every time you defeat the VP and you gt an S.O.S card!
Toontown online is a game for kids in the game u make ur own toon any size,color,animal,gender, and clothing in this game the purpose is to fight the cogs that r taking the "Fun" out of Toontown Also in this game u Meet Friends play game's go on adventures, and more! Toontown also has new things like new types of buildings and new clothing items u can also decorate ur house with items from the catolog u can also Make clans! ( people have started this :D ) Make videos ( not really the point of the game ) but mostly have fun u can do many things u can get drop lure throw squirt sound toonup and trap! Drop is like a safe or a flower pot its something that falls on the cogs sound is of course a noise squirt is like seltzer bottles and flower squirtters and such lure is a gag that lure's the cogs so they can't attack! toonup is something used to heal ur friends Trap is a gag put in front of the cog such as " quick sand" and when its lured it ether "falls in" or " slipps on" example: quicksand ( falls in ) banana peel ( slips on ) u also have a laff meter! u start off as a 15 laffer and u level up ur laff by doing "tasks" Laff u can have: 15 - 135 gags: throw and squirt u r given for free but u can ether pick drop, sound, toonup,lure, or trap! but u can only have 6 of these 7 types u can also vp ( sellbot fight at sellbot HQ ) cfo ( located at cashbot HQ ) ceo ( located at bossbot HQ ) cj ( located at lawbot HQ ) factory ( sellbot HQ ) office ( lawbot HQ ) evil golf! ( bossbot HQ ) and office field! ( located anywhere on the streets ) :)
Its not so easy. First, go to the door. Then, press attic while going out the door. When you go outside you will be invisible. Then go in the pond and swim backwards till you get to a dock. Then exit the fishing and go to the vp. That is how to do the glitch. If you want to know how to do more glitches watch youtube video's to learn!
In the new toontown story, the VP, CEO, CFO, and CJ.
to battle the vp,you simply need to: .Have a membership to toontown then you have to defeat the factory foreman in the sellbot factory 10 times! afterwards you will be able to enter the vp lobby,but you wont be able to fight him yet! first you have to earn 20 merits by defeating sellbot cogs(every cog gives you an average of three merits) so once your merit meter says "ready for promotion" then you can fight the vp cog.
VP stands for Vice President.
I only know how to get sellbot go in the sellbot HQ sellbot factory create a boarding group let the leader choose in which entrance to go in than defeat all the cogs and last the factory foreman you need to get ten discuse parts so you have to defeat the factory fore man ten times to get your discuse then collect all your merits and you are ready to defeat the vp!(viceprecident)
To earn merits you must have your sellbot suit and defeat sellbot cogs in battles. Easiest way to earn merits is factory. Try to do factories with invasion because it will give 776 merits and normally is 388 merits. Getting double merits is a good way to get ready for vp faster plus when yoy got to do 5500 merits which is 7 long invasion factories. Hope this helps :) By: Toontown Answer Expert
You can't. Sorry.
You get an SOS toon by winning a vp.
get a group of friends and go atleast 4+ story building or go vp, ceo, cj and tell them to all use sound, but use it on multiple cogs for bonus expirience or find and invasion for evan MORE expirience
I only know sellbot go in the sellbot HQ sellbot factory and front or side entrance win it ten times and after get merits then defeat the vp (vice precident)
You cannot 'Make' a SOS toon on ToonTown you can be awarded a SOS toon by defeating the Sellbot VP. :]peace4life[:
well, for sellbot, defeat the factory foremen at the end of the factory. You will get a cold caller part. When you get 10 of those, you will get your cog suit and u can fight the vp! For the other 3 (cashbot, then lawbot then bossbot) you are required to do tasks in donalds dreamland for them. HOPE THIS HELPS ;)
The VP doesn't have a level on him and doesnt have health ether.