When the baby wouldn't sleep, the parents got…
Answer: REST LESS, press, clash, tuneup, expert
Your Opinion
Daily Jumble 2/12/18:The helicopter pilot who became a chef was a...Answer: CHOPPERClue words: pound, shyly, police, breezy
Daily Jumble 4/12/17:The horned animals loved butting heads, even with the...Answer: RAMIFICATIONSClue Words: frame, civic, season, quaint
The gym at the military base strengthened the… Answer: ARMED FORCES, cheer, drawn, female, summon
An important way to compensate our veterans is to… Answer: PAY RESPECT, spell, ratio, pounce, groovy
Daily Jumble 12/10/14:The carpenter was done with the new door. He exited after making a...Answer: GOOD ENTRANCE (gourd, after, ornery, bounce)
Your Opinion
Daily Jumble 12/28/12 A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING (agile, union, rudder, waiver)
Daily Jumble 2/12/18:The helicopter pilot who became a chef was a...Answer: CHOPPERClue words: pound, shyly, police, breezy
12/24/12: Santa's helper was suffering from… Answer: LOW "ELF" ESTEEM (wafer, smell, denote, pellet)
Their lobster in Bangor was a… Answer: "MAINE" DISH, daisy, shown, simile, mumble
Daily Jumble 4/12/17:The horned animals loved butting heads, even with the...Answer: RAMIFICATIONSClue Words: frame, civic, season, quaint
The Jumble artist refused to draw the cartoon because he thought the wordplay was… answer: "PUN-GENT" (upper, trunk, annual, change)
A lawyer can end up with…Answer: A COURT DATE, arbor, aorta, teacup, cudgel
The gym at the military base strengthened the… Answer: ARMED FORCES, cheer, drawn, female, summon
Daily Jumble 5/8/12 When the zombie was nabbed committing a crime, he was caught… Answer: DEAD TO RIGHTS (hoist, added, string, forbid)
Instant replay was born in December of 1963 however I believe the answer is "replay instant".