The gym at the military base strengthened the…
Answer: ARMED FORCES, cheer, drawn, female, summon
A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING, agile, union, rudder, waiver
Daily Jumble 5/28/16:When the comic strip creators sang on the way to their annual get-together, they were...Answer: "CAR-TUNE-ISTS" (abate, scout, square, intent)
Daily Jumble 2/28/18:When it came to music in the mid-1960s, the Beatles were at the...Answer: FOUR-FRONTClue words: knock, strum, origin, buffet
Daily Jumble 5/28/16:When the comic strip creators sang on the way to their annual get-together, they were...Answer: "CAR-TUNE-ISTS" (abate, scout, square, intent)
4/28/11 Clue: The garbage man was this while putting in so much overtime.Answer: WASTING AWAY, wheat, whiny, gossip, vacant.
Daily Jumble 12/28/12 A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING (agile, union, rudder, waiver)
9/28/12 clue: The waterfowl in Lisbon were this. Answer: "PORTU-GEESE" (usher, grove, utopia, piglet)
A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING, agile, union, rudder, waiver
Daily Jumble 1/28/12 The mime wanted to expand his business and was looking for a … Answer: SILENT PARTNER (brink, troll, tendon, paused)
Daily Jumble 5/28/16:When the comic strip creators sang on the way to their annual get-together, they were...Answer: "CAR-TUNE-ISTS" (abate, scout, square, intent)
Daily Jumble 2/28/18:When it came to music in the mid-1960s, the Beatles were at the...Answer: FOUR-FRONTClue words: knock, strum, origin, buffet
The waterfowl in Lisbon were this. Answer: "PORTU-GEESE", usher, grove, utopia, piglet
The marathon winner's victory speech did this. Answer: RAN ON AND ON, funny, ankle, argued, convoy
He thought the deal on the parrot was worth this. Answer: REPEATING, theft, group, eleven, taking
Daily Jumble 5/28/16:When the comic strip creators sang on the way to their annual get-together, they were...Answer: "CAR-TUNE-ISTS" (abate, scout, square, intent)
We Heard You was the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for December 28 2012
Daily Jumble 6/28/12Clue: George DeMestral patented Velcro in 1955 because he didn't want to get this.Answer: RIPPED OFF (flick, exact, drowsy, floppy)