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For catching Suicune (or any of the legendary dogs, really), the best Pokemon to have are Haunter//Gengar and Scyther. Your Haunter//Genger should know Hypnosis and Mean Look, while you Scyther only has to know False Swipe. If your Scyther is a MUCH higher level than the dogs, then this goes a lot quicker. It'll go faster if Scyther has Leer, too.

When you are searching for the dogs, make sure Haunter//Gengar is the first in your party. Right away, use Hypnosis, and use Mean Look right after that. The Pokemon will now be unable to run away and is asleep, but if it wakes up and uses Roar on you, then you'll have to do this all over again. Just pray that it doesn't do that. Next, switch to your Scyther, and use False Swipe until the dog's health is almost gone, for False swipe will always leave the Pokemon with at least 1 HP. If the dog does wake up, switch back to Haunter//Gengar and use Hypnosis. Then switch back to Scyther and repeat the proccess. If you don't have an ultra ball on you, or just want to boast that you caught a legendary dog with nothing but a Pokeball, repeat the above process, but this time with Scyther using Leer until the dog's defenses are WAY done. Make sure it's asleep, and use the pokeball. With this method, I caught Suicune with a pokeball on the first try.

Now, to actually find the dogs, you can't fly to the area they are at (this will cause them to run away), and instead have to fly to the area next to it and approach on foot. Go through plenty of grass along your way for better chances, since the dog might move at any time, so keep checking your Pokedex.

However, if you ahven't already encountered the dog and don't have its data on your pokedex, you'll just have to continue walking through grass wherever you go (aside from Kanto) and hope for the best.

Hope this helped. ;)

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Q: Tips on catching Suicune
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