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It all depends on what your tastes are, and if you're planning for the long term. For example, some starters may easily overcome early opponents, but struggle with others. My advice? Go with your tastes, not what others say.

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Q: The worst starter Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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How do you get Squirtle in pokemon leafgreen?

Get it for your starter Pokemon

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Get it as your starter.

What are the starter pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

They are bulbasaur, charmander, and squirtle.

Best starter in Pokemon LeafGreen?


How do you get Pokemon 7 on Pokemon LeafGreen?

To get Pokemon 7 you have to choose squirtle as your starter Pokemon.

Can you get Charmander on LeafGreen Pokemon?

yes hes one of your starter pokemon.

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Suicune is not a possible starter Pokemon in emerald you must get a suicune from Pokemon firered or leafgreen.

Where to see veausaur in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you can not you can only get it as a starter

What are the starter Pokemon of LeafGreen?

squirtle charmander and bulbasaur

How do you get Kanto starters in pokemon emrald?

You can just breed your starter Pokemon with a ditto to get a egg of your starter Pokemon in Pokemon leafgreen or firered then trade them.

Where do you trade to get starter Pokemon in Pokemon FireRed?

Go upstairs in any Pokemon center hook up a wirless adapter to 2 GBA's or GBA link cables trade with a leafgreen and have leafgreen trade you there starter Pokemon.

Where do you find a johto starter Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

get all the Pokemon in the pokedex then talk to birch