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There is a battery inside the Ruby/Saphire/Emerald cart that controls the game's clock. That battery has run out of charge. Events such as the Lottery, Berry growth, Eevee "happylutions" will either be locked or not work.

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Q: The internal memory has run dry game can be played?
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How can you get the Pokemon in shoal cave if your internal battery is dry?

unfortunately you have to fix your game internal battery . just check how on YOUTUBE.

What does internal battery has run dry mean in sapphire version mean?

The game pak has an internal battery inside, so when the battery is dry you can't have events going in your game you might not find certain Pokemon or have certain decorations for your secret base because the department has discounts on items as new limited items which you need the internal battery to work. The game is still playable, but if you want those time-based features you either have to buy a new game or replace the internal battery.

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If you use an emulator and a ROM, then click on this link and you may find the answer: However, if you use an actual game cartridge, then you will have to disassemble the cartridge (unscrew the screw on the back) and then replace the battery.

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well you would need to give that to a person at gamestop they might be able to fix it.

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The internal battery has probably ran dry. To fix this, open your cartridge and replace the battery.

Can you please help me i tryed to play Pokemon emerald on my computer but it says the internal battery has run dry the game can be played please tell me how to start the game i really want to play?

I have Pokemon emerald on my computer and this has also happened. But you keep pressing a(z for me) and you will come to a save file. Well that is what happened to me. Possibly i could email it to you

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my brothers internal batterie has run dry and corrupted. its impossible to fix it, even if you erase your file.

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The internal battery could have run dry. To stop your save-file from erasing, you'll have to open the game cartridge and replace the battery.

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If your game says 'The internal battery has run dry, the game can be played, however, some events will no longer occur', then it's a simple matter of your game not having the electricity to keep time when your system is off, so gives up when your system is on. If that's not it, however, I can't help you...

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You spit on it and rub it with your sleeve. If you have short sleeves, then get a dry rag and clean the spit off of the memory card.

You tried waiting for two minutes but the door to regice wont open how do you open it?

It may be possible that your internal battery has run dry, i had the same thing if it does it wil give you a message at the beginning when you turn the game on. This will prevent any time based features in the game from being played such as berry's, the tides in shoal cave and also the regice event. You can help it though but you have to buy some v3 battery or something and put it in the game but if you screw up your game will crash so be careful.

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If it says internal battery has run dry then it has deleted your save or (i should take it forgranted but) have you started a game, or did somthing happen that might have broke your game. (tumble, wash .etc)