Actually there is no gym leader in celestic town. After you beat pastoria gym go to hearthome city.
Take of the phyduck
Celestic town shrine
You can find it near celestic town in route 210 or 211.
You have to go through route 210,then Solaceon city.
Beat a Gym Leader, Cynthia talks to you, tells you to visit her grandma in Celestic town, and gives you a Secret Potion. Use it on the Psyducks and you can get past them.
you need to defeat pastoria city's gym leader
Use surf.
Celestic Town
Take of the phyduck
Celestic town shrine
There is no battlable character named Katrina in Pokemon Diamond. However, the Gym Leader Fantina can be battled in her gym after delivering the Charm to the grandmother in Celestic Town
Beat Maylene then, Wake. (Crasher Wake). Then,go to Celestic town. Then, battle her.
celestic town
Celestic town shrine
Celestic Town is the city/town in which you'll get Surf at.
you have go to celestic town and go route 210
Use the super rod in Celestic Town.