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9223b5fa 00002101 1223b5fa 00002100 d2000000 00000000

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Q: The cheat code to catch trainers Pokemon?
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Pokemon emerald catch trainers Pokemon code?

This is the code for "Catch Trainers Pokemon" B6C5368A 08BE8FF4 B8D95CFE 06ED6EA1 E151C402 8A229A83 8E883EFF 92E9660D Press L+R in battle to be able to catch trainers pokemons as if they were wild.

In Pokemon Diamond can you catch other trainers' Pokemon?

Unless there is a cheat code that allows you to, NO!The only games that you can catch other Trainers' Pokémon in are the GameCube games Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness. Even in those, you can only catch certain Pokémon from other Trainers.

What happens if you catch N's Zekrom with a cheat while it is still his?

if you use an action replay and use the steal trainers Pokemon code and the 999 masterball code then you can catch it with a masterball and then its your's.

Can you catch an elite four Pokemon in platinum?

only if you have the catch trainers Pokemon code

How do you catch trainers Pokemon on Pokemon pearl?

You can't, unless you buy some sort of cheat-code software like TT DS, Action replay etc.

What is the gameshark code for stealing Pokemon from other trainers from Pokemon diamond and preal for sapphire?

you don't need a cheat code you just need a master ball to catch someone else's pokemon. glad to help! emilytheanswerwizard99

Cheat to catch trainers Pokemon in platinum?

I dont have it (I was looking for it lol) but try searching on google, it will help as there are code websites like codejunkies and stuff.

What is the Action replay cheat code that lets you catch other peoples Pokemon on Pokemon diamond?

The code to catch other trainers Pokemon is:9223b5fa 00002101 1223b5fa 00002100d2000000 00000000does it include Pokemon that your friends have when you battle them?it can mess up ur game and give u a bad egg

What is the action replay cheat code to catch Pokemon league Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

Catch trainer Pokemon

How do you catch spirtonb in Pokemon diamond with action replay?

u use the code to catch a trainers Pokemon,face Cynthia and catch hers

How do you catch others trainers Pokemon in firered version?

Only if you have the gameshark code...

In Pokémon firered how do you capture a trainers Pokémon?

to capture a trainers Pokemon you have to buy a gameshark and go on a cheat website and type in the code