Unless there is a cheat code that allows you to, NO!
The only games that you can catch other Trainers' Pokémon in are the GameCube games Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness. Even in those, you can only catch certain Pokémon from other Trainers.
You are not allowed to catch other trainer's pokemons on any of the Pokemon games. You may only catch Pokemon from the wild or receive them through other means (events, game corner, eggs, etc.)
You can't 'catch' Venusaur. You can get Bulbasaur from Oak and evolve it twice, or you can do a trade. I know someone who knew how to catch other trainers pokemon, but I don't know how to perform it.
Catching Other Trainer's PokemonNo, you cannot steal other trainers' Pokemon. If you try to (you throw a Pokeball at the Pokemon), the trainer will block it. If you want what they have, you just have to raise your own!
go to walmart and buy a $20. game shark and fight Cynthia and make sure you can catch other trainers Pokemon and catch hers
What you have to do is catch all the Pokemon from all the other regions(complete national dex.
You can use a Action Reply codes to catch other trainers pokemon.
With action replay, but it kinda kills the fun of the game :L
Compete with other trainers really; hounestly, isn't anything else to do.
If you really want to, use your masterball because it never fails. Masterball fails on other peoples Pokemon. I learnt from my mistakes... you cant catch trainers Pokemon it wont work with any type of poke ball(it would've been cool if you can catch trainers Pokemon though=)
You can't catch or obtain other trainers Pokemon in emerald.
You can cath alot of Pokemon That helps... But really, there are many of them. all of them can be caught. except other trainers. but with a gameshark, you can catch all Pokemon you meet. but other trainers' Pokemon become bad eggs.
First you have to get the action replay. But both action replays can ONLY connect to Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, and platinum. So if you want to connect to Soul Silver there is a place to add it. You can add all Pokemon games. So to catch trainers Pokemon you need the action replay. Then go to a trainer who you never met then he will battle you. After try to use the right ball to catch the Pokemon. Then automatically the battle will stop. That is how you catch trainer's in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum or any other. Bye for now. And your welcome for my answer.
Never in any game of Pokemon can you catch every Pokemon on one version of the game you must use the other versions to get the rest. Unless you cheat but don't its not worth it.
You can't catch other Trainer's Pokemon. It is not an intentional feature in the website.
The code to catch other trainers Pokemon is:9223b5fa 00002101 1223b5fa 00002100d2000000 00000000does it include Pokemon that your friends have when you battle them?it can mess up ur game and give u a bad egg
catch other Pokemon
you don't need a cheat code you just need a master ball to catch someone else's pokemon. glad to help! emilytheanswerwizard99