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it have a cheat but it is different the cheats are speed your car ,always first, thats all

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Q: Super mario 64 ds cheat codes?
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Some cheat codes for super mario64?

Just use gameshark. It's a place where you you can find LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of cheat codes for super Mario 64.

Where do you put the codes for super Mario 64 DS?

There is no built-in way to add cheat codes for Super Mario 64 DS, but you can buy an Action Replay DS Hacking Device for $20 and add cheat codes for almost any DS game. I added a link to the Action Replay website as well as some codes you can use for it once you get it.

How do you change color on Mario 64?

go to youtube and type"super Mario 64 colour codes"start SM64(super Mario 64)and go to cheats,right click and press"add new cheat" copy and paste the code and here you go.

What is the cheat to play as boo for super Mario 64 ds?

No cheat exists.

What are some gameshark codes for super mario 64?

Super Nintendo

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No but you can use a cheat

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Get GameShark 2. Then You Can Hack It with the codes on or off...

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There isn't one.

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Get GameShark 2. Then You Can Hack It with the codes on or off...