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Q: Six friends want to play enough games of checkers to be sure that everyone plays everyone else how many games will they play?
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Related questions

Is checkers fun?

in some peoples eyes checkers is fun but in other peoples eye checkers is boring\

What is 6 common board games?

Chess, checkers, Chinese checkers, Monopoly, Candy Land, Backgammon.

What games did Chinese kids play?

Chinese checkers

What games did the Chinese play back then?

Chinese checkers

What games would people play in castles?


What games did a medieval lord play?

chess and checkers

What did the third class passengers do on the Titanic?

Played Games Like Checkers And Chess With A nice Drink

2 men played checkers They played 5 games and each won the same number of games How?

They play checkers with different people other than each other

Can you play checkers offline?

The standard games are played on a physical board. With technology, you have the privilege to play checkers online or offline. There are many applications for PC or mobile to play checkers offline.

What games were taken into the air raid shelters?

checkers and cards

What are games beginning with the letter C?

· careers · charades · checkers · chess · Chinese checkers · clue · concentration · connect four · contract bridge

What kind of games can be played on a combination game table?

There are several types of combination game tables. These games tables can be made to play anywhere from 2 to 15 different types of games. The most common games you can play are chess, checkers and chinese checkers.