

Best Answer

The answer for Sims 3 cheat codes is "motherlode" and there is more but i am not gonna name them.

seriously?...... your right there is motherlode for money

but if you want a job or friends or a random character such as a grim reaper or theif randommly appear in your house then press shift +ctrl + C and type in testingcheatsenabled true

then hit enter. Then hold shift while clicking your mail box - hope it helped :)

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Q: Sims 3 cheat codes
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You can "find the cheat codes" for The Sims 3: University Life at My Because It's Not Google (BING) Resources

Can you buy money on the Sims 3?

yes.....go to google type in cheat codes for sims 3 and you will get how to do it.

What is the biggest cheat code for the sims 3?

I'll give you two biggest cheat codes! testingcheatsenabled true The cheat code above is to get a sims heath up Motherlode This cheat above is to gives your sims more cash Please use these codes!

Can you get in trouble for using cheat codes on sims 3 PC?

No, they are there to be enjoyed.

The Sims 3 cheat codes?

Motherlode = Money Cheat Kaching = Money Cheat Testingcheatsenabled true Moveobjects on

What are some cheat codes for sims 3?

Some cheat codes are: motherlode = 50,000 simoelons kaching = 1,000 simoleons You can find the rest by yourself

When you put in cheat codes for sims 3 do you have to use the underscore?

Yes, if there is an underscore in the cheat you have to include in otherwise it will not work.

What is the cheat codes for sims 3 on Android phones?

I have searched and can't find any cheats for the Android version of SIMS 3. Sorry!

Will there be cheat codes for Sims 3?

there is motherlode gives you 50,000 simeons. That's how i buy expensive stuff

What do cheat code?

you mean what does cheat codes do?if you meant that, here's your answer!cheat code is a type of a code that unlocks something in a if you type motherlode in the Sims 3 you will get $50,000

Is there a cheat code for skills on sims 3?

No, there is no cheat code for skills on The Sims 3.