Never in your life reset your game, unless you want to get another starter.
Well I don't have Pokemon white but I do have Black so they should reset the same all you have to do is press B+select+up on the title screen.Hope I helped.
Press B+Up+Select at the Title Screen to reset the Pokemon White game.
you get zekrom in Pokemon white version and resheriham in Pokemon black.(in my oppinion, it should be the other way around, zekrom in Pokemon black, and resheriham in Pokemon white version) IT IS JUST LIKE PUTTING DIALGA IN POKEMON PEARL AND PALKIA IN POKEMON DIAMOND.
Pokemon Black and White already came out in Japan on September 18,2010.Pokemon Black and White should be coming out on March 6th, 2011. Choose wisely...
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.
Well I don't have Pokemon white but I do have Black so they should reset the same all you have to do is press B+select+up on the title screen.Hope I helped.
Press B+Up+Select at the Title Screen to reset the Pokemon White game.
Press the reset button.
you should get Pokemon white and choose TEPIG AS your starter.
you can't you have to reset your game if you want to catch him
you should have the starter Pokemon and the other caught Pokemon
You should have Mienshao
Definitely Thundurus. You can get 2 Master Balls in Black and White. You should save the second one for shinies or event pokemon.
In my experience,if you have located it,you should just have to push the white reset button.