Since the end result is the same, you should go with the cheaper option and stay with your current PlayStation 2, unless it happens to be broken.Eat. Sleep. Review.
No you need the PS2 Sony card
you press down on the left analog stick
there r no r3 n ps2 there are right analog stick which is 'r' then comes r1 on the right side corner then r2
well zachs mom said it would work you idiot!!!
Open your ps2 controller and make sure you know to remember where all the parts should be. If the problem is on the analog stick try cleaning it and if the problem is on the keys take all the components and check on website to see if the parts are in the right position.
You can not do it
No, it doesn't I have tried it. But the stick you can use in PS2 U know that :)
No you need the PS2 Sony card
right analog stick pressed in
Move right analog stick
you press down on the left analog stick
Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Start, Select, Left analog stick, Right analog stick, Directional buttons, R1, R2, L1, L2, and analog button.
there r no r3 n ps2 there are right analog stick which is 'r' then comes r1 on the right side corner then r2
The right analog stick.
well zachs mom said it would work you idiot!!!
The PS2 game should work on the ps2
L3(left anolog stick )on PS2