Guthan's has a better set effect, while Torag's has somewhat better defense bonuses. In my opinion, I suggest Guthan's.
That depends on how long it has been used. Usually a barrow item set corrupts after being used for a while.
why should people buy activity packs
you should bid for it on eBay or buy it on amazon
Go to the building you want to buy, some where on the front there should be a piece of paper nailed to the wall, walk up to the paper and press "A", then the buy screen should appear, here you will have several options, buy and move in or buy and rent out hope this helped
You don't buy them. You should plant seeds to attract them. You can buy seeds in Main street or at the port if you're a member.
Well it all depends.... If your a mager then you should use ahrims. If ranger use karils. And if you use melee you should use what you like. Dharoks is good for high hit the lower hp you get Guthans is good for staying at training areas for longer amounts of time without the need for lots of food (similar to the saradomin godsword spec but doesnt give prayer points back) Veracs is very good for pvp as it eliminates the players defence stats and prayer and hits like your wearing nothing And finally Torags set wich has the best defence overall but (in my opinion) has the worst wep so if your planning to buy torags it is a good idea to replace the hammers with a whip or godsword. Hope this helped :D
Torag's stat effect reduces your opponents run energy.
That would be the Guthans helm as if you get full guthans you get alot of prectection.
Torags makes Dragon almost Obsolete in terms of defence. The down side is tha Torags is Barrows, meaning it degrades.
No, while equiping guthans armor does not degrade it, once you enter combat, it will degrade regardless of the enemy damage. Guthans, as with all barrows, is not tradable when damaged. It can be repaired by using it on Bob in "Bob's axe shop" in Lumbridge. Or it can be fixed by using it on an armor repair stand in a player owned house.
it all depends on your situation. guthans is usually used for long camping/boss trips, wile dharoks is useful for mm gorillas in the temple (nerfed) and when ur in pvp on low health.
Talk to Bob in Lumbridge, he will repair any barrow item for a price of course.
Guthans is better for training and for long trips because it replenishes HP when used. Dharok's hits harder when the player is low on HP. There both good for players of 90 combat and up also. also you need 70 defense and 70 attack to use them.
it depends on how strong you armor is 0 - 100
Yes, they do, but only when you have on all other pieces of the Torag set. This special attack is not that great though, compared to the other sets.
The best barrows armour defence wise is either Guthans, Torags or Dharoks. But as most people do know having the set has some sort of special effect, I'll list them, and you make your choice:Torags - A Small chance you will drain Run energy from another hit player, on a successful Hit.Veracs - A small chance that you will hit straight from Protect from Melee Prayer.Dharoks - the lower you hp, but more damage you will cause on your foes.Guthans - A small chance on healing you on strike, around about half the damage you cause. guthans doesnt give the healing on you now n its the cheapest tooKarils - On successful attacks with Karil's crossbow against a player, there is a chance that it may temporarily lower that player's Agility level.Ahrims - Successful Magic attacks have a chance of temporarily lowering the opponent's Strength level. This weapon is typically not used with the full set.The choice is yours, choose wisely.
That depends on how long it has been used. Usually a barrow item set corrupts after being used for a while.