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Go to the building you want to buy, some where on the front there should be a piece of paper nailed to the wall, walk up to the paper and press "A", then the buy screen should appear, here you will have several options, buy and move in or buy and rent out hope this helped

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Q: Where do you buy a house in Fable 2?
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I personally think you sould buy Fable 2. Not Fable 3, because in Fable 3, when you turn evil; your weapon changes. But in Fable 2, you grow horns; or if you're good, you grow a halo. :)

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get your love and you make them love you till it reaches to the end of the love bar and then you buy a ring and then you bring them to your house.

Can i get Fable 2 for regular Xbox?

No man SORRY. ONLY Fable 1. Fable 2 Is 360 ONLY. Go buy a 360 for 199.99 at walmart

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No, you have to buy the limited edition for Fable 2.

Fable how to keep weapons in bowerstone?

Buy yourself a house. Then drop the weapons you want in your house. They should still be there everytime you return to your house.

Where do you buy an expansion pack for Fable 2?

There is no fable 2 expansion pack yet, besides the knothole content which is downloadable on xbox-live.

Can you marry a house wife in the game Fable 2?

Yes it is possible.

How can you add furniture to your house on Fable 2 with out replacing the old?

You can't

Can you buy The Crucible in Fable 2?

No, but it's still fun :P