I think pounds should be shut down because pounds are not treating animals correctly. All pounds do is capture wild animals in the woods and then they put a needle in them to kill them. It's not right. Just let the animals stay in their natural nature.
Your game shuts down when someone (usually the Admins or the Owner) decide to shut it down for what ever reason they though fit. Also there are scripts that can shut it down or people can hack and shut it down.
It was temporarily shut down to protest SOPA and PIPA.
Yes the me2 universe website is shut down.
Nothing Toxic has been shut down since 2011.
Yes. It has been shut down as of June 7, 2013.
Many people think that Congressmen should not be paid when the government is shut down. However, they still work during the shut down and can continue to be paid.
if the pancreas dies the digestive system in general should be shut down.
go to state home is located and tell judge why you think it should be shut down
It doesn't need to be. If you shut it down completely, you won't be able to receive notifications or alerts. You should shut it down completely when leaving it for several days, or when boarding an airplane.
Not necessary
It might fall down
Because the task manager is telling it to. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and do the shut down from there. Next time you use the computer it should shut down normally.
You just shut down computer
there should be a button that you press and itll open next to the actual tray, also if you shut your computer down it should shut also
Shut it down and unplug it from the power source and internet.