Personally i don't think so but, People 12 or over should be allowed to play violent games if their mature enough.
This is my opinion just to say ok.
Studies have shown they do not make people more violent.
No, violent video games teach kids about life and how it is and how it will be in the modern age...
Video games do not make kids violent.
I know a lot about violent video games because I researched on it, there are 90 percent of majority who are against video games and only 10 percent of majority who likes their children to play these violent video games!
it makes them act violent and not like any other games all thou it depends on the kind of game your talking about
They do anyway, lol.
They do anyway, lol.
Studies have shown that violent video games don't make people more violent.
Yes, if they r okay with it.
Honestly no. I am quite sick of that statement I play violent games all the time am I serial killer no. Listen violent people are violent before they buy violent video games and non violent people people that buy violent video games do not turn in to ravenous murderers. I see violent video games as an outlet for anger for some people which reduces violence in real life. so NO
Studies have shown they do not make people more violent.
No, violent video games teach kids about life and how it is and how it will be in the modern age...
Violent video games are not the sole cause of violence in society, as multiple factors contribute to such behavior. Implementing a ban on violent video games may not effectively address the root causes of violence. It is important to focus on comprehensive approaches that address mental health, social influences, and access to weapons to address violence in society.
Bechause students arent animals that go act out the violent games in society. I have been playing violent video games myself since my early teen years and Ive never even been in a fight.. and I have no intentions of getting into one.. Parrents and schools tend to blame videogames for their kids behavior instead of taking responsibility for it. Its always easier to point the finger away from yourself. So why are students allowed to play these games? Bechause the majority of people have realised that violent behaviour cannot be blamed on videogames alone..
yes, mostly children above +15 are mature enough to see that it is stupid to hurt some one ells Not necessarily. They can provide an outlet for people to make them less violent. There are some very passive people out there who play very violent games. Sometimes it's people who don't play the games, or who don't really understand them that make sweeping statements, trying to pin the blame on computer games. Studies have shown that the correlation is more that violent people will prefer violent games, rather than the games making the players violent.