Every city has a secret move taught...
Here are a few:
Slateport - Swagger (fanclub)
Verdanturf - Fury cutter (Pokemon center)
Mauville - Rollout (fat man outside)
Fallarbor - Metronome (Pokemon center)
Altering CaveYou can go to Altering Cave after you beat the Elite Four. It is located on Route 103.UnlockableHow to UnlockAltering Cave Beat the Elite FourContributed By: ExarionUniverse19.
Battle FrontierOnce you beat the game, you can go to the Battle Frontier.UnlockableHow to UnlockBattle Frontier Beat the Elite Four.Contributed By: Tadisar_Tru89.
Berry Master's Wife PasswordsTell the Berry Master's Wife certain phrases to receive the following berries. You can only tell her one of these each day.UnlockableHow to UnlockCHALLENGE CONTEST You will receive a Pamtre Berry. COOL LATIOS You will receive a Durin Berry. GREAT BATTLE You will receive a Spelon Berry. OVERWHELMING LATIAS You will receive a Watmel Berry. SUPER HUSTLE You will receive a Belue Berry.Contributed By: gpetzx.
Catching GSC Pokemon At The Safari ZoneAfter you defeated the Elite Four, go to the Upgraded Safari Zone. In the Safari, you can catch some GSC Pokemon such as Houndour, Aipom, Stantler, Mareep, Miltank, and more GSC Pokemon. This Unlockable works only in Pokemon Emerald.Contributed By: daisytwisted.
Fishing rodsTo get the old rod, go to dewford town and talk to the fisherman near the gym. He will give you a old rod. To get good rod, talk to the fisherman on route 118, east of mauville city. You must need surf to reach him. Talk to him and you will get good rod.To get super rod, go to mossdeep city and go north of the space center and go into the house. The man inside will give you super rod.UnlockableHow to UnlockGood Rod Talk to fisherman on route 118 Old Rod Talk to fisherman near dewford gym Super Rod In the house north of the space center
Contributed By: Marth9.
Glass ItemsOn Route 113, to the right of Fallobour Town, is house in which a man will make you items if you bring him ash. To collect ash, walk through the ash covered grass. Then bring it to the glass item maker.UnlockableHow to UnlockBlack Flute Walk 1,000steps in the ash. Blue Flute Walk 250 steps in the ash. Pretty Chair Walk 6,000 steps in the ash. Pretty Desk Walk 8,000 steps in the ash. Red Flute Walk 500 steps in the ash. White Flute Walk 1,000 steps in the ash. Yellow Flute Walk 500 steps in the ash.Contributed By: Mightyena14.
National PokedexUnlockableHow to UnlockNational Pokedex Beat the Elite 4. Proffessor Birch will visit you and give it to you once you leave your house.Contributed By: khaos_reborn.
Prizes from ScottTalk to Scott in his house in the Battle Frontier, he'll give you certain decorations/berries depending on your accomplishments in the Battle Frontier.UnlockableHow to UnlockGold Shield (Decoration) Win 100 Battles Lansat Berry Obtain all Silver Frontier Symbols Silver Shield (Decoration) Win 50 Battles Starf Berry Obtain all Gold Frontier SymbolsContributed By: XxThunderxX.
Special unlockable PokemonThere are certain Pokemon that can only be caught when you trigger certain events, like castform.UnlockableHow to UnlockBeldum See Steven's house after you beat the Elite four. Castform Take out the rival team at the weather institute. Chikorita, Cyndaquil or Tododile When you complete the 200 Pokemon of Hoenn. Professor Birch will call you on your Pokenav. Deoxys Get the Aurara Ticket, and go to Birth Island Groudon Beat the Elite Four, and go to the land lair. Ho-oh/Lugia Get the Mystic Ticket, and go to Navel Island Kyogre Beat the Elite Four, and go to the sea lair. Latios or Latias After beating the elite four, watch the T.V. downstairs in your house. Latios or Latias Mix records with a Ruby or Sapphire with the Eon ticket, and go to Southern Island. Mew Get the Old Sea Chart, and go to Faraway Island Rayquaza Get Magma and Aqua to get Kyogre and Groudon out of the cave, and go to Sky Pillar. Treeko, Torchic, or Mudkip Help Proffesor Birch escape the wild PokemonContributed By: shutdown56 and prince_exe.
The DiplomaUnlockableHow to UnlockNational Pokedex Diploma Capture all 386 Pokemon in your pokedex. Then go to the hotel in Lilycove City and talk to the Game Designer.Contributed By: gold21.
Trainer Card Color UpgradesAs you accomplish more along your journey, your Trainer Card will change colors and rise in rank, depending on completing certain tasks. After completing one task, it will rise in one rank, but there are some tasks that cannot be completed until beating the Elite Four. You must do these tasks:-Become Pokemon league Champion
-Complete the Hoenn Pokedex
-Collect all the gold symbols in the Battle Frontier
-Win one ribbon in all five of the Master Rank Pokemon Contests.UnlockableHow to UnlockBronze Rank Do one of the tasks mentioned above. Copper Rank Do two of the tasks mentioned above. Gold Rank Do all four of the tasks mentioned above. Silver Rank Do three of the tasks mentioned above
Contributed By: discoinferno84.
Training on HillsTo unlock Trainer Hill, you must beat the Elite Four.UnlockableHow to UnlockTrainer Hill Beat the elite fourContributed By: kingofgames333.
Getting Latias Or LatiosAfter you defeat the Elite Four, go to your house and watch the television downstairs. After you watch it, your mom will ask you what color the Pokemon is. If you say Red, you will find Latias. If you say Blue, it will be Latios.Contributed By: daisytwisted.
Getting the other LatiTo get the other Lati (Latios or Latias), Mix Records with a Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire game that used the Eon Ticket. You can then get to a hidden island via the SS Tidal where you can find the Lati you didn't choose.Contributed By: ozzirwerdna.
Shiny PokemonEvery time you encounter a Pokemon you have a 1/8192 chance of the Pokemon being a different color, this is called a shiny PokemonContributed By: Y2JosHBK386.
Battle Steven, the former champion.After beating the Elite Four, a new part of Meteor Falls opens up. It is in the northwestern corner where you found Iron Tail. A new cave was made and you'll find Steven in it. His Pokemon are in the high 70's.Contributed By: WaterMario222.
Compound Eyes Second effectIf you have a Pokemon with Compound eyes 1st in your Party it will drw Wild Pokemon that has held Items more often.Contributed By: get out.
Cut's Out of Battle effectHave a Pokemon use CUT to remove grass where wild Pokemon live. It will remove the chance of encountering wild Pokemon. The grass will regrow once you leave the area or enter a building.Contributed By: Freedom202.
Cute Charm's Second EffectIf you have a Pokemon with Cute Charm 1st in your Party it will more likely draw Wild Pokemon with the opposite gender of the Pokemon with Cute Charm.Contributed By: get out.
Faster hatching eggsSimply put a Pokemon with the ability Flame Body or Magma Armor on your team to cut the amount of steps needed to hatch an egg in half.Contributed By: masterwolfe13.
Get the Mental HerbIn one of the treehouses in Fortree City is a man with a Wingull. Talk to the Wingull, and it will fly off out of the treehouse. When you get to Mossdeep City, you will see a person with a Wingull. Talk to it and it will fly off as well. Then go back to Fortree City and into the treehouse where you talked to the first Wingull. Talk to the man next to the Wingull, and he will give you the Mental Herb, and item which is a hold item that prevents attraction on the Pokemon that is holding it.Contributed By: Mightyena14.
Hustle's Second EffectIf you have a Pokemon with Hustle 1st in your Party it will draw Wild Pokemon that has a Higher Level than the Pokemon that has Hustle.Contributed By: get out.
Inherit Pokemon Natures through breeding.To do this you need an Everstone. To get one, search in Granite Cave for a lone rock on top of a plateau. Once you get an Everstone, let the a Ditto or a female Pokemon that you are breeding hold on to it. Once you receive and hatch the eggs, the offspring will have a 50% chance of inheriting the Nature from the Pokemon holding the Everstone.Contributed By: DarkEspeon996.
Intimadate and Keen Eye's second abilityIf you put a Pokemon that has intimidate or Keen Eye 1st in your party the chances of wild Pokemon encounter is reduced by 10%.Contributed By: get out.
Lightningrod's second abilityIf you have a poke'mon with lightningrod as an ability, you will get calls from registered trainers more often.Contributed By: RainyLeon.
Magnet Pull's secondary effectIf you have a Pokemon with the Magnet Pull ability in front of your party, it increases the chances of finding wild steel-type Pokemon. This is very useful for finding rare steel types, such as Mawile.Contributed By: jimbo the monkey.
Mirage IslandMirage Island is an invisble Island located on Route 130. Most of the time it will be invisible but on rare cases, the island will be visible. To find out if the island is there or not, go to Pacifidlog Town and talk to the old man in the bottom right house looking out the window. He will tell you wheter the island is there or not. The cause is unknown so a bit of luck is needed to find it. On the island you will find the rare Leichi Berry that powers up your Pokemon's attack in battle when it gets weak. In the grass, you will only find Wild Wynauts.Contributed By: Freedom202.
Mystery GiftTo unlock mystery gift, go to a Pokemon mart and press A on the piece of paper on the counter. Then insert the words LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL. Press select to easily find the words. After this the store lady will talk to you and tell you that mystery gift is now unlocked.Contributed By: linkums.
Raising weak Pokemon easierJust put the weak Pokemon in the first slot. When a battle starts just switch out that Pokemon right away. After the battle the Pokemon will receive half of the exp. points.Contributed By: mr_psp123.
ShedinjaTo get Shedinja, you must first catch a Nincada, and have an empty space in your party. People say you need a Pokeball for it, but you do NOT. Shedinja copies the ball the Nincada was caught in.Anyways, with one empty space in your party, level up Nincada to level 20. It will evolve into Ninjask. When you check your party, you will see Shedinja sitting in the final slot, along with the Ninjask and 4 other Pokemon.
That is how to catch Shedinja.
Contributed By: Ecnemalas.
Static's secondary effectIf you have a Pokemon with the Static ability in the front of your party, it increases the chance of finding a wild electric type Pokemon. This is EXTREMELY useful for finding rare electric types, like Pikachu in the Safari Zone.Contributed By: IceMage20.
Suction cups/Sticky hold's second abilityIf a poke'mon in your party has suction cups/sticky hold as an ability, then you will have an easier time fishing for wild poke'mon.Contributed By: RainyLeon.
Swarm's second abilityThe Pokemon ability Swarm has 2 effects. It raises Bug-type attacks by 150% when the user is weak, and, new to Emerald, it makes Pokemon cry in the background more often. For example, in caves outside of battle, you will hear a Pokemon screech more often.Contributed By: baconlabs.
Synchronize's second abilityIf you have a poke'mon with synchronize as an ability, you will encounter more poke'mon with the same nature as the poke'mon with sychronize. Note that the poke'mon with this ability must be in the front of your party.When you start Pokemon all over again, remember that you need to choose the first Pokemon depending on the version.
Ruby- Mudkip
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its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
You cannot get a Yanma in Pokemon Emerald, as only Hoenn Region Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Emerald.
where do you get the spade from on Pokemon emerald
rotom isn't in Pokemon emerald
defog is not in emerald,