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Subscriber Identity Module

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Q: SIM stands for
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Longform of sim?

SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module

What is cdma sim?

CDMA stands for - code division multiple access. SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module.

What is the Full form of SIM used in mobilephones?

respected sir what is the Full form of SIM Full form of SIM:Subscribers Identity Module

What is full form of sim?

SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module...Answered by,Mazhar Ahmed Khatri

What is the full form of SIM?

Subscriber Identity Module Its Subscriber IdentificationModule

Different beetwen sim and rim?

SIM stands for “Set Interrupt Mask” It is 1 byte instruction RIM stands for “Read Interrupt Mask” it is 1 byte MULTI-PURPOSE instruction.

What is lapu sim?

L.A.P.U stands for Local Area Party Unit.

What does SIM in SIM card stand for?

A subscriber identity module or subscriber identification module

What does SIM mean in mobile phones?

SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module - and is basically the tiny card (that's usually under the battery) inside your phone.

Can you get your sim ran over in Sims 3?

This may sound really bad, but I've tried and it doesn't work. The car just goes straight through the Sim, and afterwards, the Sim just stands there as if nothing has happened.

What is SIM and RIM instruction in microprocessor?

RIM stands for read interrupt mask and SIM stands for set interrupt mask.The SIM instruction is used to copy the contents of the accumulator into the interrupt mask.The RIM instruction is used to interpret the RST interrupt positions.

What is the meaning of Sim?

In relation to communications - SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module. It's the tiny card inside a mobile phone (or other device) that allows it to connect to the network.