You can make these yourself providing you have the materials and crafting level, otherwise you can do level 3 clues to get black dragon-hide pieces or you can just buy the set off another player or at the Grand Exchange.
If you have the set it is best to use Void for Ranged Attack Bonus, however Void lacks Defence - so for Balance Black Dragonhide is better.
Hill Giant's in Varrock they give you the best drop's ever that's a good place but the dragon are the best there in the wildy in front of cln wars and then youll see to hill giants then keep going and youll many dragon there 79 i can kill thim easily they drop bones that are 5k each and green hide that are 3k.
it means humans against monsters or something of that nature, if u go in their hide out and examine everything u will find it
No need to get fancy, I'm a 133 with 99 range and i STILL use black dragon hide, no need to get expensive. Its still the best armor. Void is also good. It costs nothing and you hit higher but the downfall is there is little protection and you hit a little less often Void knight armour/range gives +10% to Range Attack and +10% to maximum damage with Range. Does not lower accuracy at all. Yes the defence is lower than black d'hide, yet increasing your range level by 10% is well worth it, granted most people don't have the pateince to play Pest Control that long. Other than void there is not much better than black d'hide for that price.
ninja hide out, stolen airplane, diablo desert, pilafs castle, bandit hide out,waste land forest, once you collect all six you'll see trunk's flying and goten thenthey will fight over the radar and it fell so they get knocked out then you'll land in Natala village and you'll see a man with the dragon ball on his neck the only way he will give it to you is if you defeat broly.
green= range blue= magic red= melee black= all the above
you can buy the whole set from the grand exchange in varrock in f2p
Green Dragon Hide
Well if your refering to the green dragon hide (gold trimmed) it doesnt matter its still the best archer armor u can get in F2p.
You can sell them for good cash, or you can tan them and make dragon hide armour from them, for crafting exp.
If it's cheap it isn't awesome, but Mixing Kyatt Hunter Gear with Black Dragon-Hide chaps may seem nice.
It can be used to make armour like green d'hide body. Get green dragon hide , tan it in Al Kharid or where you can then use the needle to the hide . It will make green d'hide armour of your choice. Same goes to leather, red, blue and black dragon hide. You just need enough crafting level to do it.
A Green Dragon's Best Drops are: - Dragon egg - Used in summoning for a pet dragon. - Rune Full Helm - Rune Kiteshield - Dragon Spear - Dragon Bones ( 100% Drop) - Dragon Hide Green ( 100% Drop ) - Shield Left Half ( Dragon ) - Clue Scroll Level 3 - Gold, Green, Crimson and blue Charms
The best is a normal leather body and if your range is high enough dragon hide chaps.
for non members, you can wear green d'hide after you dude dragon slayer and have 40 defense. green dragon hide has good defense bonuses againts magic.
ok it is not 40 u need 70 ranged to wear b/c it is blessed.