You don't but in order to get a lit oil lantern you should check out the crafting guide for more answers.
The oil can is in the sort-of-hidden basement of Draynor Manor. You can go to the Quest Help under Game Guide in the Runescape website if you're having trouble getting through the maze.
Click Set-up cannon stand. Your RuneScape character will automatically set up the rest.
There is none, since Runescape is java based, and run from servers. People have attempted to 'macro' for their own gain on runescape, but the creators have put large measures in place to limit this.
The Runescape Bounty Hunter was put in Runescape to replace the Wilderness. The Wilderness was a place where you could attack other players and was taken out because one person might put a Runescape Bot in the Wilderness with anything the rule-breaker wants to transfer and he is level 3, so you can beat him easly and he will drop the stuff you put on him, but unforunitly, Runescape bounty hunter is on 2 or 3 worlds so it is crowded and more than 1 person might attack the bot.
you can make string with it to put on your unstrung symbols or your amulets.
Go to youtube and search runescape ernest the chicken oil can.
If you mean the oil can you get in the tutorial. This should help. You select the oil can and then select the rag/cloth thing. The put the rags on the pillars then attach the fuse. Hope this helped!
Due to capillarity, oil flows upward in the lantern. The attraction of liquid molecules in the oil between each other and with the wick is known as capillarity.
in water
There is no such thing as runescape two.
there is a runescape 3 now ok. there is a runescape 2 but there is actually no runescape 3 The version that everyone plays in runescape 2. Runescape 3 is a scam site were you put in your username and password and it takes it.
it is unknowing
54 in.
A dame is a type of latern.
download it and then play it
Latern called justic
A dollar store is one place to purchase a paper latern for a party. Another place one might purchase a paper latern for a party is a party goods store. A third place one might purchase a paper latern for a party is on the Internet.