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The word is bulb.

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Q: Rounded stem of an onion beginning with b?
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What is the rounded stem or a shoot of an onion called beginning with b?

Oh, dude, that thing you're talking about is called a "bulb." It's like the round base of an onion where all the layers hang out. So, yeah, next time you're chopping onions, just remember you're slicing through those bulb buddies.

What has the author U B Pandey written?

U. B. Pandey has written: 'Onion production in India' 'Onion production in India'

Where do spring onions come from?

A spring onion is often more commonly known as a scallion, salad onion or green onion. It is a member of the onion family easily distinguished because it lacks a fully-developed bulb.

Where does water go to?

a-roots b-stem d-stem and leaves c-leaves

What is the name of an onion roll starting with the letter b?


Which direction will the stem go for treble clef b?

Being on the middle line, the stem can go either way. What usually determines stem direction is context.

Which musical term beginning with a B refers to a Narrative song term beginning with a b?


What is B rounded to the nearest thousand?

The answer depends on the value of B.

Things beginning with b?

try the dictionary. It has so many words beginning with B! especially chapter 2! B is awesome!ANSWERBaseballballsbailbaaANSWERballoonbasketballbathbathing suitbatbrookeballbananasbonesbritneybriannabuttcrackbullbabybuckshotbreadbubbabedbedroomboardbroadbecky

What do you call a number that is rounded?

An estimate.

Where do premature b cells develop from stem cells?

in bone marrow

What determines the range of a thermometer A. length of stem B. volume of bulb C. thickness of bulb D. volumn of stem?

None of the above