You must defeat these CPU inside story mode 3 times (or more) each; Eiki, Gate Mace, Key Mace, Key Mace #2, Zape.
You can't.
There are various different ways to unlock packs. Try beating everyone you come across 3 times. That should unlock a lot. Some can only be unlocked through story mode. Look on That should tell you more.
Neither the card nor the duelist are avalible in 2007. Strangly the duelist is but not the card in 2008. You can unlock her (yes, it's a she) by clearing the Phantom of Chaos Armytile stone challenge in the World of Chaos.
Defeat the following duelists 3 times each:Barclay, Shuji, Taniyama, Ellison Noula, Skathi, Yagishita, Geruzet,Motoi, Kyono, Fudagawa, Dio, Vega
some of your allies have specialization in an area like Alistar's specialization is being a templar to learn ones of your companions get their approval of you up and you may learn it from them. Others may be found all over Ferelden like the Duelist go to the pearl brothel and you see a woman fight, after she wins talk to her and ask to learn from her. she will play a game with you first and you use dexterity and see that she is cheating. then you unlock the duelist specialization. google the locations of the others if you want them and dont forget to select what you want to specialize in when you level up. its under the your character's picture.
You can't.
To unlock "The Lost Millenium", you must defeat each of the following Duelists 3 times each:AnnaGushizawaHashinoshimaHidekiIgusaMitchieOdaRossiRoySugimotoTorino
If you are talking about unlocking the duelist, there is no "Stardust Dragon" duelist. There is a "Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode" duelist who you unlock by summoning "Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode" in a duel. If you want to know where to find the card, it's in the The Duelist Genesis booster pack, which you unlock by defeating the following duelist three times in story mode: Barclay, Shuji, Taniyama, Ellison Noula, Skathi, Yagishita, Geruzet, Motoi, Kyono, Fudagawa, Dio, and Vega.
There are various different ways to unlock packs. Try beating everyone you come across 3 times. That should unlock a lot. Some can only be unlocked through story mode. Look on That should tell you more.
you have to buy with REAL money
Yes, it can be obtained in the Stardust Overdrive Booster Pack once you unlock it (to unlock the Booster Pack, talk to MC (New Domino City/Stadium Lobby) and go to the Stadium to defeat all Signer Shadows. [Your Life Points are not reset between each duel])
Neither the card nor the duelist are avalible in 2007. Strangly the duelist is but not the card in 2008. You can unlock her (yes, it's a she) by clearing the Phantom of Chaos Armytile stone challenge in the World of Chaos.
yes they are in "Ancient Prophecy" & Stadust Overdive" packs the following link shows how to unlock all pack's-
The only way to unlock Raging Battle is to beat all the dark siners in a duel, and turbo duel. BUt, the only way to do that, is to battle them all all of them in a row, with only 8000 life points for all of them, it does not recharge after each. Then you have to go through the same thing, but turbo dueling them all! Then talk to Crow at the Old HIghway, and you will unlock it.
You can either continually get packs after defeating Duelists, or you can unlock and defeat Trusdale Muto to obtain one of every card.
You must beat any "Structure duelist" with ALL structure decks. The structure decks are unlocked one at a time randomly. I think u just have to keep battling in WC mode to unlock them all.
i dont know. i asked the question. but what i do know is if you go to google and type in yu-gi-oh duelist of the roses cheats you can see if there is a password toget summoned skull. if they give you the password to get summoned skull reply back to me and tell me thr code or the password.