1. You can travel by clicking on the map and clicking on the place you want to go.
2. You can travel by typing /join (the place you want to go to)
3. You can travel by typing /goto (somebody's name that is in a room you want to go to)
4. You can also be summoned by party members.
From quests, shops and events.
easy just finish all of rolith's quests then accept the rat king quest then it will appear out of no where then you will need to chase it specialy its at noobshire
You Must Have Upgrade Adventure Quest
Search pointful stuff. Pointless spam will get you nowere.
Adventure Quest Worlds is an online role playing game developed by Artix Entertainment. At this time there is no way to give gold away in Adventure Quest Worlds.
Go to nwbie and do the quests there.
do his quests
on quests
Complete quests above it.
Easter Event Quests
go to lolosia and do all of the quests
Do Citadel quests. All of them.
Do all the quests in undeadbattleon
From quests, shops and events.
just beat it and turn in it :D
These can be obtained by completing Dage the Evil's Champion Quests, the Paragon Pet's Quests or Rogath's Quests.
You must go to Shadowfall (/join shadowfall) and do the storyline quests for her.