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Q: Pokemon sapphire what city do you find steven?
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How do you find dive in Pokemon sapphire?

The HM Dive is given by steven at his house in mossdeep city.

Where do you find dive in sapphire?

in mossdeep city steven gives it to you

Is there a wild metang in Pokemon Sapphire?

You cannot find a wild Metang, you can only evolve it from a Beldum, which you can obtain from Steven's house in Mossdeep City.

Where is steven stone in sapphire?

In Pokemon Sapphire, Steven is the Champion. If you want to find him, beat the Elite Four. In the next room he'll be waiting ready to battle you.

Where do you find dive in pokemon sapphire?

Steven gives it to you in mossdeep city. You have to beat the mossdeep gym before you can use it. They are Psychic types so be careful.

How can you find scope lens in sapphire?

I believe that Steven gives it to you in Fortree City.

Where do you find the scanner in Pokemon sapphire?

staleport city

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Where to find net balls in Pokemon sapphire?

Mossdeep City

Where you can find metang in Pokemon sapphire?

You will a have to evolve a beldum which is given by Steven at his house after beating the elite four.

Where will I find Archie after Lilycove City in Pokemon Sapphire?

you will find him underwater in a cave

Where you can find casino in Pokemon sapphire?

You can find it in the city called Mauville City the big purple building.