you u go to the 6th gym leader and u beat him.....isnt that kind of obvious??? only a buttox wudnt know that......
Head to lavaridge town for your next badge.
Beat the Gym Leader
Fortree City ( Feather Badge ) Leader's pokemon: Altaria, Swellow, Skarmory, Pelipper
You get it in Sootopolis city. If your playing Ruby or Sapphire. You would be fighting Wallace. In Emerald, You fight Juan.
you need the Mauville city gym badge. (the electricity gym) if im not mistaken
With the seventh badge in Pokemon Ruby version, you can control caught or traded Pokemon up to level 70.
You can get the 6th badge by defeating your father in petalburg.
Lavarage its in. ST4282
Head to lavaridge town for your next badge.
get it from this fisherman i think
At Sootopolis City.
Beat the Gym Leader
Fortree City ( Feather Badge ) Leader's pokemon: Altaria, Swellow, Skarmory, Pelipper
the first badge in in rusboro city sorry for spelling its at the end of the forest
it is Mauville gym
get the hm waterfall (forgot were u get it) and go 2 the Pokemon league climb the waterfall and go in 2 victory road 2 the other side! Hope i helped! : )
It is in fortree city