It can learn Peck, Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Detect, Pluck, AncientPower, Charge, Agility, Discharge, Roost, Light Screen, Drill Peck, Thunder, Rain Dance and some other moves from TMs and HMs.
You can trade them to the move tutors so that your Pokemon can learn different moves.
Go to and TADAA!! you will see what you were searchin for
go to the old mans house on route 228 he will teach starter Pokemon powerful moves
By using Sunny day, Hail, Rain Dance. Moves that It can learn
In Pokémon Platinum, Raichu does not learn any further additional moves however the Move Relearner will teach it the Normal-type moves of Tail Whip and Quick Attack as well as the Electric-type attacks of Thundershock and Thunderbolt.
Zapdos will not learn many moves, but here are a few moves such as: Charge on level 61 Light Screen on level 73 Thunder at level 85 Hyper Beam by TM15 Shock Wave by TM34 Hope this helped you and your Zapdos!
The same as in diamond &pearl
Yes he can. For example, he can learn the TM Ice Beam.
You can trade them to the move tutors so that your Pokemon can learn different moves.
Go to and TADAA!! you will see what you were searchin for
well mewtwo knows recover which raises your hp without using anything moltres knows flamethrower zapdos knows thunder wave which paralyzez the oppenent and articuno knows ice beam these are the best moves some of the rare Pokemon know also moltres can learn fire blast and overheat zapdos can learn thunder and articuno can learn blizzard
level up a pokemon, most preferably a ghost type to learn "mean look" and be sure you have lots of ultra ball and don't use poison type moves or kill zapdos... It's hard but it's worth a try.. I did catch articuno using my level 100 gengar...
It does not learn it by leveling up in the Heartgold/Soulsilver versions. But by finding TM 57 you can teach Zapdos Charge beam,you can buy it at goldenrod department store. You can also find it by giving the missing machine piece to the owner of the power plant. It cannot learn it by leveling up in fire red, leaf green, diamond, pearl, or platinum version. It can learn charge by leveling up. Hyper beam can be taught through a tm.
if it was Pokemon platinum dialege leans arua sphere at level 92
all i know is mach punch and flame wheel and taunt
shards can be used to trade with other people. in return, they may teach your Pokemon moves. there are 3 move tutors in Pokemon platinum that will teach your Pokemon moves in exchange for shards in a specific color.