on a island
Pokemon Emerald: Birth Island Pokemon Sapphire: Trade from Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, or Emerald. Pokemon Ruby: Trade from Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, or Emerald.
On four Island you will need a Pokemon that knows Surf.
in the lost cave on island five
you get it in the pattern bush, and that's in six island
You cannot get to Fire Island on Pokemon LeafGreen. Fire Island is a setting exclusive to the second Pokemon movie, Pokemon the Movie 2000.
Four Island is a location in Pokemon LeafGreen. To start the journey there, you need to have at least 60 different Pokemon.
on cinnabar island
on cinnabarb island
4 island.
Cinnabar Island
No, but you can breed them on island 4.
The Pokemon day care for Pokemon Leafgreen/Firered is on island 4. You have to beat the elite 4 and get the machine on island 1 working to go there.
island 3
seafoam island
of course!
on a island