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in the lost cave on island five

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Q: How do you get a sea incense in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Related questions

How do you get the full incense in lost cave in Pokemon LeafGreen?

That item doesn't exist in leafgreen their is a sea incense and lax incense in the cave.

How do you get the sea inceanse in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Sea incense is found in lost cave.

What is sea incense used for in Pokemon LeafGreen?

If it's held by a Pokemon it will boost Water type moves.

Where can you get an odd incense in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't.

What do you do with sea incense in Pokemon Diamond?

put it on a Pokemon

Where do you find sea incense in Pokemon silver?

you cant

How 2 find an sea incense in leafgreen?

Sea Incense can be found in the cave called Lost Cave on Five Island. Inside the cave go right, up, down, up and take the item.

How do you get two Sea Incense in Pokemon Sapphire?

U look for it

Where do you get the sea incence on Pokemon?

the sea incense is found somewere in cerulean cave(which is in kanto)

Can you trade from Pokemon LeafGreen to blue sea?

there isn't a Pokemon game called "Blue Sea"

Do any Pokemon have sea incense in Pokemon ruby?

no you can receive it in the mountain next to lillycove Hope this helped =]

Where do you get Azzurill in Pokemon Sapphire?

Breed Marrill/Azumarril with Sea Incense attached.