Shaymin cannot be legitimately obtained on Pokémon SoulSilver. It must be traded from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. To get Shaymin in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, you must either use an Action Replay or take advantage of an event.
Shaymin cannot be found in Soul Silver.
Yes, you can get a Gracidea Flower in "Pokémon SoulSilver." In Soul Silver you have to go to Goldenrod City's flower shop (with traded Shaymin not Action Replay Shaymin) and talk to one of the sisters there.
I would say Venusaur, Meganium, Sceptile. Also there is Celebi and Shaymin as legendries.
Shaymin cannot evolve.
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
special events
Shaymin cannot be found in Soul Silver.
you cant catch shaymin is hgss ); sorry. LOL
You can only get it in Platinum or get it with a Action Replay or Gameshark
It is unavailable in heartgold/soulsilver. You must trade from diamond, pearl, or platinum.
You have to trade from a DPPt after capturing it through event.
Yes, you can get a Gracidea Flower in "Pokémon SoulSilver." In Soul Silver you have to go to Goldenrod City's flower shop (with traded Shaymin not Action Replay Shaymin) and talk to one of the sisters there.
You can't, it doesn't occur naturally in the game.
Nope arceus is one of those unobtainable Pokemon along with Shaymin, Darkari,Manaphy
i don't know what i been told halo fat and he's so old
talk to the woman on the flower shop next to the goldenrods gym with shaymin first at your party.
You can't get Shaymin in Heartgold and/or Soulsilver without cheats.