Go East of Cerulean City, and there you Will come to water. Use Surf there and follow the water until you come to the Power Plant. Hope I helped :D 3=D E=D (I'm using the terrain from FireRed, but I thought I remembered that the Red and FireRed games were different.
you can find it in the power plant, or the department store. the power plant is accessible after you get surf.
the power plant south of cerulean city
You can catch Electabuzz. It is at the Power Plant, but it is rare.
in seafoam islands,power plant,and mount ember
Go to the Power Plant
In your moms house!!
you can't
some power plant that you have to surf to get to.
you do it by eating ants.
Magnemite is found in the Power Plant.
in the Abandoned power plant
Viridian forest or the power plant.
you get it by the side of the power plant in kanto.
You can't, you have to trade from Red, Gold Silver, or Crystal. Red is inside power plant. The others are outside power plant.
you can find it in the power plant, or the department store. the power plant is accessible after you get surf.
the power plant south of cerulean city