after you catch mewtwo you can get mew from pallet town all u have to do is transfer mewtwo to Pokemon emerald, ruby, or sappfire but exchange for raqwazza then in pallet town u will see a mew it will run away so use fly with raqwazza to 1 island there u must find moltres for the first time there u catch it not kill catch then will come deoxes catch him only catch then you will have 50 masterballs you go to articuno catch it only then you'll see jarachi catch it only not kill then find zaptoes catch him only then will come ohho and lugia catch them both and you'll see dark lugia and a baby lugia catch them both go back to pallet town with raqwazza only him you'll see mew but you cant touch him so press these a a a a b b b b l l l l r r r r sel sel sel a b r r l b r a l a b a all together ablr then start then your game boy will turn black and then u will find a black mewtew a black mew and a normal mew catch them all not kill then take the Pokemon leadge win in one try you will have all Pokemon caught and hp for all Pokemon unlimeted and also all pokeballs unlimeted then put all legendary in from emerald,ruby, or sappfire and then take the Pokemon leadge again and you'll have everyitem and every Pokemon even from emerald, ruby, and sappfire and Scott will come and u will have a battle frontier then a message will come saying u have won.
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As of the current data for Ash catching Mewtwo the answer is no. Right now nobody has captured Mewtwo due to the fact that he is such a strong pokemon.
What would you usually do? If I were you I'd continue what you do after catching any Pokemon
Mewtwo is the ultimate Psychic type legendary Pokemon. It was introduced in the first generation and does not evolve into any other Pokemon, although as of the sixth generation it can mega evolve into Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y.
Charizard, Zapdos, Articuno, Mewtwo, Vaporeon, Gengar.
You can capture Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave B1, Zapdos in the Power Plant, Articuno in Seafoam Islands B4, and Moltres at Mt. Ember Peak in FireRed.