go to serebii.net, the Pokemon site with all things Pokemon, including a list of event Pokemon.
or bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net
of pyspoke
there is no event for manaphy you have to get it from Pokemon ranger
No I don't think so.
Through events.
Some of the event Pokemon can be found in toys r us on the event dates.
you have to go to a place where you can find out about Pokemon wi fi
events are special places you go so you can get shaymin darkrai arceus etc. where do you GO to enter events in Pokemon diamond?
The Salac Berry is a rare berry in Pokemon Diamond. It can only be obtained from distribution events that had legendary Pokemon holding them. These events are no longer being ran or support for Pokemon Diamond.
You don't do live events in Pokemon diamond...that's why they're called LIVE! You have to go to one in real life
the only way to get it is to trade it from Pokemon diamond or pearl you can get it on diamond and pearl by special events
You can only get it through events.
go to www.pokemon.com for events
in about five months
pokemon events, or trade the event pokemon from a diamond/pearl/platinum game.
The Pokemon that can be caught without special events, trading, or cheating in Pokemon diamond are: Uxie Mesprit Azelf Dialga Giratina Heatran
the Pokemon events are meant for trainers to get Darkria, Shaymin, and possibly Arceus but the informtion for that Pokemon hasn't been released yet
You have to use ation replay to get events.