the afro (color1) sunglasses(color1)skull tank top (color3) leather skirt (color1) and leather shoes (color1) have fun beating irina and being friends!
Get a job you lazy bum
Yeah, I bet Petz: My Puppy Family is the UK version of Petz Dogz Pack (US).
=Some cheat codes for this game "Petz Dogz Pack" are:=1.aptcay2.petpet3.thirst4.havfun5.hawaii6.dgsrck
i don't know but i have petz dogz talent show and petz nursery :( so i need answer bye
If you look in your petz dogz pack instuction booklet on page 6, it says press L,X, and B Buttons and SELECT at the same time!
You press R
Get a job you lazy bum
you probably need to get all the breeds mixes places and foods to beat it
Yeah, I bet Petz: My Puppy Family is the UK version of Petz Dogz Pack (US).
There is no island. There is just a beach where you just play with your petz
petpetthirsthavfunHere Are Some
You got to give it time. Soon the dogz will get used to the toys and they will play with them!
=Some cheat codes for this game "Petz Dogz Pack" are:=1.aptcay2.petpet3.thirst4.havfun5.hawaii6.dgsrck
i don't know but i have petz dogz talent show and petz nursery :( so i need answer bye