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Get a job you lazy bum

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Q: Can someone give me a combination for petz dogz fashion?
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How do you make your dogs like each other fast on petz dogz pack?

First you have to make them both grow up all the way and then you have to give them a toy or something so that they can play together...thats the way i do it...

How can you beat Alisa on Dogz fashion?

you need to use stand walk which is a trick she will give you and try to get a clothes set. I don't know when you can get these but two awesome fashion sets are ribbon color 1 retro glasses color 1 beret color 1 rain coat color 3 boots color 1 or checked muffler color 2 retro glasses color 1 beret color 1 sleeveless top color 2 pleated skirt color 3 leather shoes color 3 PS. The second one does well if you choose the right colors but it technically doesn't count as a combo.

How do you unlock the Mountains on petz Dogz Pack?

you have to go to the park and become friends with a baby german sheperd named Jack in a red ski suit,then when you have a smiley like this :D Jack will give you the ski suit, and when you leave, you'll unlock the snow feild!

Where to get a fashion case in Pokemon platinum?

You get the fashion case after you get your first badge, and return to Jubilife City. When you leave to the north exit you will come across a situation involving Team Galactic. Once you beat them in a battle, a guy from Jubilife TV will come to you automatically and give you the Fashion Case.

Where do you get the fashion case in SoulSilver?

in goldenrod go under ground and when you get to the top side go -> and 1 of the guys will give you 1

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I can't get my dogz my to play with toys on petz dogz pack?

You got to give it time. Soon the dogz will get used to the toys and they will play with them!

Where can someone find designs for a fashion runway?

If someone wants to find designs for a fashion runway then it is certainly worth looking at various images that will be in fashion magazines. These will show what the top designers use and can give a lot of ideas.

What is a fashion disiner?

A fashion designer is someone who designs clothes. so the clothes that you are wearing right now have been designed by a fashion designer. In case i didn't give you enough information, a fashion designer is someone who decides what to put on clothes, like stripes or flowers, so what your wearing right now is something that's been designed by a fashion designer.

What is the indept meaning of tip the wink?

This is British slang. It means to give out information in a subversive fashion. To slip someone information secretly.

Where can someone find information about popular tuxedo styles?

Tuxedos come in varying styles and if you are looking for something to go with current trends you may want to look in a fashion magazine. Looking at fashion archives online will give you an idea of previous styles.

Could you give a sentence using the word fashion?

Fashion is the most important thing in the world!

Give some topics on fashion for projets?

So topics are they fashion from generations. You could even do a prodject on your fashion at your age to when your grandma was your age.

I'm a Fashion Designer looking for jobs as I build my own brand. I have 2 phones but don't know if I should use my business phone for all fashion related things or only for my brand is my name(if that makes any difference).Hope someone can help?

Yes you should

How do you get money on fashion shows at

they give it to you automatically after the show

To give someone ideas about what to do?

Inspire is to give someone ideas as to what to do you give them inspiration which is the ideas you give

Can someone give you a good account on dragonfable?

If someone is willing to give their account away, then yes, someone can give you their account.

Do you need 4 years in college to become a fashion designer?

you do not have to go to school to be a fashion designers but it would help to give you the tools you need.