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Q: Online games with mermaids
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What online games have mermaids and mermen?

Perfect world

Can you have mermaids on the sims 2 for ps2?

no, you can not have mermaids on the PS2 version.

In sims 2 are mermaids boys or girls?

There are no mermaids in the Sims games.

A way to become a mermaid?

No. Mermaids do not exist and are not real. Humans can not change into mermaids. Mermaids are made up and are only in stories, books, movies, and games.

Do you need an expansion pack for mermaids on sims 2?

There are no mermaids in any of the Sims games or expansion packs.

If mermaids are real and where they live?

Mermaids are not real and they only live in movies, games, stories and movies. They are make believe.

Where have mermaids been sighted?

Mermaids don't exist and will never be seen or found on earth. The only place mermaids exist are in fiction, movies, games, and TV. They are not real.

Are merimaids evil or good and what's the name of the evils mermaids?

Your mermaids can be whatever you want -- you're the writer! Here's a link to a good online name generator so you can name your mermaids.

What is a mermaid spell?

There are no spells to turn people into mermaids. Mermaids are not real and only exist in stories, film, and games. People can not become other things or mermaids. It is all make believe.

Are there games when you are an mermaid?

I believe DiveIn. I see mermaids... sharks....

Can you choose your mermaid power?

No. You can NOT become a mermaid. People can NOT change into mermaids. Mermaids are not real and only are in stories, books, movies, and games. They are make believe and people can not have powers of mermaids nor become one.

Do you have a spell to make me a mermaid?

No it is not possible. Mermaids are not real and are only found in games, books, and movies. People can not change into other things or mermaids. It is physically impossible for this to happen. It is all make believe.