You don't go in that cave, in fact if you see a team galactic guy blocking a cave entrance and saying he does not have a Pokemon you:
1) Laugh at him.
2) Get out of that room! There is another seceret cave in the previous room in the top left part of the room.
u catch girantina and then after that you go to veilstone city and go talk to the team galactic person in front of the galactic warehouse I think galactic warehouse it is one on the team galactic places in veilstone city and then he will go somewhere and drop a key which it will be the storage key. Hope this helped and sorry I cant think of the name of the team galactic place it is the biggest building of the team galactic places (in veilstone city)
To find the Galactic HQ special key, you first need to fight Team Galactic at the three lakes. The last one being Lake Acruity which is blocked by some Grunts until you aquire the icile badge. Once this is done and you return to the HQ, there will be a grunt outside looking at a satellite dish talking to himself, approach him and he will run away dropping a galactic key :)
it is easy all you have to do is go through Mt. coronet when you get outside to the snow you'll see rock climbing walls (you need HM rock climb) you will see caves but just pass them, after you climb all rock walls you will see one cave enter it . After entering the cave you will fight team galactic then at the end of the cave you will find Palkia.that will be the peak.
You can talk to a man in Veilistone city. His house is the first one to the left of the team galactic building.
you have to defeat team galactic in veilstone city. In their warehouse you can find the hm fly. You have to defeat gym leader maylene in veilstone city to use it. And you have to learn it to one of your Pokemon of course
You have to beat team galactic and catch wither dialga or palkia. just surf on each one of the lakes and the cave is in the middle
You can't. You have to go out of the cave and enter in the cave on top of this one by using rock climb.
You get one from cyruce in the team galactic HQ. You have to get a key which the galactic guy gives you at the front of the building
After you defeat Cyrus at the Veilstone Galactic building and he will give it to you
u catch girantina and then after that you go to veilstone city and go talk to the team galactic person in front of the galactic warehouse I think galactic warehouse it is one on the team galactic places in veilstone city and then he will go somewhere and drop a key which it will be the storage key. Hope this helped and sorry I cant think of the name of the team galactic place it is the biggest building of the team galactic places (in veilstone city)
frst defeat the gym leaderthen go to the team galactic headquarters the one that is small. then when you have accomplished that you can go there!
Cyrus of Team Galactic will give you one when you defeat him in the Veilstone City Galactic HQ.
You can find one of Team Galactic's buildings in Eterna City (the one at the very top).
Defeat team galactic then use it to catch giratina :)
the one beside celestic town
yes cuz the guy in team galactic has one and i fought 1
Eterna City. You can only get one when you have freed the owners Pokémon from Team Galactic.