At level 67
If you just level it up one then it will evolve. Then level it up to level 50 for a salemence.
Level it up to level 50. It will evolve into Zweileous. Level it up to 64 and you have a Hydreigon.
the easiest way to level up your Pokemon to put it in daycare Pokemon will level up soon.Trade the Pokemon to friend and have it hold a lucky egg it will level up quickly.
You have to level up your Snover. No stones are needed. level it up to level 40
You can level up your squad by leveling up your heroes.
I can't level up your rayquaza but I can level up mine.
It does not matter where you level it up.
No, after everything is level 100 you will be level 81 and you will not be able to level up anymore
you can from tokens there five every day you need peek theme evey one is 30 up the 1st is 40 the 2nd 60 the 3rd 120 the four is 160 and the last is 200.but you can destroy the doom's bot .this up level your hero not squad but when you up level your hero it level up you squad to if this max level so it's level up on"squad level" 2 level up, like you'r on level 80 then max level it 82.
it doesn't level up a moon stone is requiered.
level 38
At level 67
to level up in nightclub city you just have to earn your target amount of money for your current level,and then when you level up you will get a extra bonus reward for leveling up
You go "Socialize" and then when you socialize enough you will level up because of the Influence Points. When you level up there will be more socialize events to do so you will level up faster.
-Magnaton... level magnamite up to level 30 -Magnazone.... level up Magnaton 1 level in Mt. Coronet
If you just level it up one then it will evolve. Then level it up to level 50 for a salemence.