Dude I really don't know must not be important if we can't figure out what it does.
Prime is one code. Cybertron is another.
You have to take the allspark away from megatron with the made of character and hit him with the allsparkAfter you do that fight megatron with optimus prime with guns and hand to hand
No you can't become brawl in transformers the game
Transformers: War for Cybertron by far
You can buy the game in video game stores or online :)
In transformers the game Optimus Prime is the good guy, and Megatron is the bad guy.
No, the only characters you can play as are Optimus, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Breakaway, and Powered up Optimus Prime (prime combined with Jetfire)
When you battle megatron the second time. then when you complete the game you can be him in free play.
Yes once you finish the game. Same in the decepticon game. you can also use them in side missions.
No. Zeta Prime was the leader of the Autobots before Optimus Prime. He died after being tortured by Megatron during the time when Megatron used Dark Energon. More information can be found by either searching, or playing, the video game Transformers: War for Cybertron.
how do you give the allspark to optimus in transformers autobots for the ds
Yes OF course! Look at the end of the movie. You always have to defeat the fallen with that.
Pick it up and run to optimus
In Which Game ?
Well there are 3 ways you can play as optimus prime, the first is that you have to beat the entire chapter of more than meets the eye. The second way is if you got far enough to get to the ultimate doom, you can play as optimus in that. The final way is if you beaten the ultimate doom, you can play as him in the next chapter, cybertron autobot.
Here, you can play as these guys.PC: Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Sideways, Ratchet, Long Haul, Breakaway and Grindor. (For other some characters are only for PS3 and Xbox cuz they can download them).PS2 (The games sucks for this): Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Sideways and Jetfire.