u cant. Actually, U can, if U have some Expansion Packs. I think in Free Time, or Seasons there is an option NPC aging. Example if child Susan knows her neighbour child Mark, when Susan grows into a teen, there will be a box in the screen asking who will be aging with Susan, and there will be two columns : Sims ready to age; and Sims aging up with Susan, put he Mark from the Sims ready to age to Sims aging up with. . . Hope I helped. Sorry if complicated.
Sims 2 double deluxe? yes sims 2 children grow up.
Yes they grow up from toddlers to children.
Babies growing up has nothing to do with ambitions. They just grow up like any other sim. If they're not aging at all then make sure you have Enable Aging on, but they should just grow up on their own.
If you don't want ANY sims to grow up, then theres a cheat. Heres the steps: Steps 1) Press ctrl,shift,c 2) a box will appear 3)type in that box aging off 4) This will make ALL your sims stop aging. Your welcome, Happy Simming!!
They will grow up from babies to children but do not grow up into an adult unless your hero sim dies then you can choose for their child to grow up and take their place in that profession
You could make a pond and go fishing.
if you want them to grow up together you have to play both house holds, hope this helps :)
feed them play with them
You pull up the cheat menu and type in: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. then you shift and click on your sims and it should say make birthday. Then your sims will grow up! (hopefully, i did it and it worked)
In the Sims 1, sims don't grow up. Sorry =\
It will automaticly grow up in 3 days. And remember to take good care if it!
in the Sims 3 Sims in/out your household and out grow up, get married, etc. but only Sims in your house grow up and supply their needs and stuff like that for the Sims 2. but i think if u get sims2 apartments you could have a bunch of people grow up at the same time.
Sims 2 double deluxe? yes sims 2 children grow up.
The first Sims game
They grow up like regular children, they are just green, they grow up kind of like plant sims .
Yes, they grow up to be teens in 8 days well im not sure but i hope they do becuz my sims just had a baby boy, i heard that they dont and they stay that way 4ever, but thatd b pretty annoying, i think u need makin maagic 2 make them grow!
no it will not!