They will grow up from babies to children but do not grow up into an adult unless your hero sim dies then you can choose for their child to grow up and take their place in that profession
Sims 2 double deluxe? yes sims 2 children grow up.
Yes they grow up from toddlers to children.
I believe the children do grow up I just don't know when !
3 Days( sim time) But they don't turn into adults, just children. --JBiebzx :D
It will show up as a book in your inventory. Click Read =)
Sims 2 double deluxe? yes sims 2 children grow up.
Just Sims 2.
Yes they grow up from toddlers to children.
They grow up like regular children, they are just green, they grow up kind of like plant sims .
Yes, Sims 3 Pets.
By Living For A Long Time Or Defeating A Adult In A Sword Fight.
The kid Sims you control do, but but the uncontrollable ones don't.
Yes, they grow up to be teens in 8 days well im not sure but i hope they do becuz my sims just had a baby boy, i heard that they dont and they stay that way 4ever, but thatd b pretty annoying, i think u need makin maagic 2 make them grow!
I believe the children do grow up I just don't know when !
In the Sims 1, sims don't grow up. Sorry =\
no they go from babies to children tn they stay like that.
HOPE SO COS I JUST PREORDERED IT! :S GOOD QUESTION JUST BEEN LOOKING AROUND AND IT WOULD APPEAR NOT TO BE NORMAL OR AS GOOD AS THE OTHER GAMES BUT YES IT IS POSSIBLE---- Yes, you can! Children are born as babies and grow into children within a day or so. Children do not grow up into adults like they do in the Sims 3. They are also "unplayable" meaning you can have restricted relationships with them. So far from experience, I have only been able to have 2 children per "family".