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Rocks containing Tin can be found south east of Varrock or directly east of the wizards circle where you fight the demon in the "Demon Slayer" quest.

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Q: On runescape were do you find tin ore?
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What is the name of tin ore?

The name for tin ore is "Tin Ore." There is no other name for tin ore..... Also, you can combine a tin ore to a copper ore to make a bronze bar. :)

What mineral is a tin ore?

The mineral cassiterite is an ore of tin.

How do you get tin out of a tin ore?

you heat the tin ore and carbon together to produce tin and carbon dioxide

How do you separate tin from tin ore?

Tin is separated from tin ore through a process called smelting, where the ore is heated with carbon in a furnace to create tin metal. This process allows the tin to be separated from the other impurities in the ore, resulting in pure tin metal.

What is the name of the ore that tin comes from?

Tin is primarily extracted from the mineral cassiterite, which is a tin oxide ore.

What is the ore of tin?

the ore used to make tin is casserite. related to science

How do you carve a block of bronze in RuneScape?

Use copper and tin ore on a furnace.This bar can then be used on an anvil (when you have a hammer in your inventory) to make bronze items.

Where can you find rune ore in runescape?

there is some in the wilderness somewhere by lava i think

Where can you find silver ore in runescape?

you can either get it from other players in the grand exchage or by this method go to the south varrock mine and there you will find silver ore

How do you get bronze ore in RuneScape?

You take the metal ores - in the case of bronze, you need 1 copper + 1 tin for every bronze bar - to a furnace. Alternately, you can use the "Superheat Item" magic spell. This requires Magic level 43, and costs a Nature Rune each. Because of the cost of the Nature Rune, it isn't worth-while for most low-level players.

What is tin extracted from?

Tin is primarily extracted from the mineral cassiterite, which is a tin oxide ore. The process of extraction involves crushing the ore and then separating the tin from the impurities through a series of physical and chemical methods.

Which metal could most likely be used to effectively remove tin from its ore?

tin ore