You can find blurite ore in the cave on the peninsula south of Port Sarim. Look for the ! on the map.
You can make a Blurite Sword in RuneScape as long as you are completing the quest The Knight's Sword. After you complete the quest you cannot obtain the sword again as you cannot trade the item with other players.
Not even close. The Rune Scimitar is better when it comes to attack stats. The blurite sword's defense stats are actually a little better then the rune Rune Scimitar's.
You can't mine for fish, you fish for fish, and you mine for ores. You mine with a pickaxe you find an ore then mine it, and you fish for fish with fishing equipment.
yes, you use it in crossbows, crossbow bolts, and the quest the knight sword to make the blurite sword.
Nope, because there is no black ores, to make black bars to make the armour.
Rocks containing blurite are found only in the Ice Caves, located south of Port Sarim on the tip of the Asgarnian peninsula. if you are not sure ask us
No. Blurite, runite, adamantite, mithril, as well as most (or all?) of the ores used in Dungeoneering, are ficticious (mithril was actually invented by J. R. R. Tolkien, for his story "The Hobbit"). Other materials mined in RuneScape are real, such as clay, coal, gold, silver, copper, and tin.
They can't be sold, since they were made out of blurite, and blurite it's self can't be traded.
You can make a Blurite Sword in RuneScape as long as you are completing the quest The Knight's Sword. After you complete the quest you cannot obtain the sword again as you cannot trade the item with other players.
Asgarnian Ice Dungeon, located south of Port Sarim, read link for more details
You cannot buy the blurite sword, you must smith the sword during a quest called "the knight's sword". At the end you get to keep it.
Not even close. The Rune Scimitar is better when it comes to attack stats. The blurite sword's defense stats are actually a little better then the rune Rune Scimitar's.
Level 1...Copper Level 1...Tin Level 10...Blurite Level 15...Iron Level 20...Silver Level 30...Coal Level 40...Gold Level 55...Mithril Level 70...Adamintite Level 85...Runite
after the quest is over o you can't, that's why it is advised to make them before you complete the quest.
you can find blurite ore by going south of rimmington where theres a tunnel leading underground climb down the ladder go past the muggers, past the pirates past the hobgoblins and then you will be in a icy area be carfull there are lvl 42 ice warriors and lvl 52 ice giants i think that's there lvls the blurite is on the right hand side of the icy room.hope this helped.
A furnace is where you would smelt ores into bars.