buy a green fishing rod and use a crawfish as bait. fish in the open water. you'll get one soon. :)
really depends on how much you can catch in that amount of time.
Club Peguin. Millsberry SUCKS ! I believe club penguin does tooo . ;DD but its better than millsberry .
You don't get bait, you just need to have the Big Catch Lure and have already caught a Rusty Swordfish and shown it to the Old Wayfarer. After that, large swordfish symbols will appear on the map, and in those places you'll have a chance at catching Neptoona. Just be aware that the swordfish symbols appear randomly, and it won't always be Neptoona there.
I would just say the old millsberry game that was out a long time ago! But its not out any more trust me i tried looking for it! Its only in millsberry!!
Not particularly.It takes about 5-10 seconds to catch either a Swordfish or a Tuna, and even then, it's random as to which you recieve.
A Harpoon
In runescape, players catch and eat swordfish, but no animal you can eat eats anything.
go to the deep blue
a barracuda
a swordfish defends its self by using his sword mouth to block like a shield to stop the predators or enemys from attacking!!!!
Players can catch swordfish with a Fishing level of 50 or higher, granting 100 Fishing experience per catch. Yo use a harpoon to fish them. Fishing for swordfish takes a longer amount of time than lobsters because tuna is caught along with it.
The only place free players can catch swordfish is Karamja. However, if your a paying member yo can also catch swordfish from many sea Fishing locations, such as the Fishing Guild, Catherby, Rellekka, Elf Camp, Fishing Platform (after completion of the Sea Slug quest) and Brimhaven.
Fast Facts: Swordfish are a common catch for commercial fisheries around the world. The largest swordfish catches come from Pacific Ocean, and the demand is highest in North America and Europe. Hope This Helps!! Your Friend, HorseGirl8614 (Or The Swordfish Girl XD)
People typically use a method called deep sea trolling to catch swordfish. This involves using large trolling reels and heavy-duty equipment to drop baited hooks deep in the water where swordfish are known to dwell. Some fishermen also use harpoons or longlines to catch swordfish.
lvl 65 fishing
well i have one word its called luck I usally catch it by using a fish finder 5000 and a crawfish in open water